The FibreKleer 4x fibrekleer fiber poles have an impressive radiation capacity of up to 400% aluminum – to help ensure that they are clearly identified in an X-ray image for in situ appointments and follow-up. Transparent fiberglass is assembled into a matrix of clear resin to provide reliable flexural strength and help maintain the desired natural aesthetics. The dentin-like curvature coefficient results in an abutment that flexes with the tooth and evenly transfers stress along the remaining root structure to help reduce cases of Root fractures, compared to metal abutments. For convenience, The Post System Kit package features a screw block to securely hold posts and drills while also improving accessibility.
The dentin-like curvature coefficient results in an abutment that flexes with the tooth and evenly transfers stress along the remaining root structure to help reduce cases of Root fractures, compared to metal abutments. For convenience, The Post System Kit package features a screw block to securely hold posts and drills while also improving accessibility.
Product Benefits
The radiation power of up to 400% of the Al-function is clearly determined on an X-ray image
Multiple body sizes and styles-enables you to fit the brace to the tooth-not the tooth in the brace
Root imitation properties-ideal bending coefficient properties help reduce root fractures
Excellent light transparency-fiberglass helps maintain vibrant natural aesthetics