This manual (hydraulic) operating table 3003 C-Arm is suitable for surgical operations of the head, neck, chest, abdomen, perineum and extremities, as well as for operations of gynecology, obstetrics, urology, throat and skull.
The leg section can be rotated, opened, disassembled and adjusted easily.
It is most adapted to the urological process.
The table top made of high-strength plastic can move back and forth.
An x-ray can be done on it.
It can be raised or lowered hydraulically by means of an oil pump. Different modes can be controlled from both sides.
The inner structure of the outer cover of this table is made of stainless steel.
Table top dimensions
Length 2100 mm
Width 500 mm
Section dimensions
Headrest 250 x 500 mm
Back 465 x 500 mm
Kidney Bridge 75×500mm
Seat 450×500mm
Leg 600×240 mm
Foot 273×180 mm
Table top from the floor
Max height 1040 mm
Minimum height 800 mm
Movement range
The highest level of the head is higher than the feet > 15 degrees
The highest level of the feet is higher than the head > 20 degrees
Highest side tilt > 18 degrees
Section adjustments
Headrest raised from horizontal position > 45°
The headrest is lowered from the horizontal position <90°
Back section - raised from the horizontal 55 degrees
Leg section lower than horizontal <90°
Leg section open >90°
Back and forward movements > 400 mm
Kidney bridge height > 120 mm
Maximum weight 250kg
- This manual (hydraulic) operating table 3003 C-Arm is suitable for surgeries of the head, neck, chest, abdomen, perineum and extremities, as well as for gynecology, obstetrics, urology, throat and skull operations.
- Leg Section Can Be Rotated, Opened, Disassembled And Adjusted Easily.
- It Is Most Adapting To The Urological Operation.
- The table top made of high-strength plastic can move back and forth.
- X-Ray Examination Can Be Carried Out On It.
- It can be raised or lowered hydraulically by means of an oil pump. Different modes can be controlled from both sides.
- The inner structure of the outer cover of this table is made of stainless steel.
Table top dimensions
height | 2100 mm |
width | 500 mm |
Section dimensions
headrest | 250×500 mm |
Back | 465 ×500 mm |
Kidney bridge | 75×500 mm |
the seat | 450×500 mm |
the leg | 600×240 mm |
foot | 273×180 mm |
table top from the floor
Maximum height | 1040 mm |
Minimum height | 800 mm |
range of motion
The highest level of the head is higher than the foot | > 15 degrees |
The highest level of the foot is higher than the head | > 20 degrees |
Top side hopes | >18° |
Section modifications
The headrest is raised from the horizontal position | > 45 degrees |
The headrest is lowered from the horizontal position | > 90 degrees |
Rear section-raised from the horizontal | 55 degrees |
Low leg section from horizontal | > 90 degrees |
The leg section is open | > 90 degrees |
Backward and forward movements | > 400 mm |
The height of the kidney bridge | > 120 mm |
Maximum weight 250kg