Korean ultrasonic(transonic) treatment device-Digisonic

  - ضمـــــــان مجاني لمدة 12 شــــهر   ديجي سونيك -  من أشهر الماركات الكورية المنشأ محفز العلاج بالموجات فوق الصوتية ، CWM-302 يوفر موجة بالموجات فوق الصوتية 1 ميجا هرتز و 3 ميجا هرتز مع تأثيرات حرارية لتخفيف الآلام https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cM7WlDkusm8

Ultra sound-Ultra sonic wave device 1head / GM

المنشأ: صيني فوائده:
  • Pain relief
  • Muscle relaxation
  • Increased muscle perfusion
  • Relaxation of connective tissue
  • Breakdown and cracking of scar tissue
  • Reduce local swelling and chronic inflammation

Ultrasound-Ultrasonic wave device petron 1 head

المنشأ: صيني فوائده:
  • Pain relief
  • Muscle relaxation
  • Increased muscle perfusion
  • Relaxation of connective tissue
  • Breakdown and cracking of scar tissue
  • Reduce local swelling and chronic inflammation

Ultrasonic bag - 3 head

* Description:
It is a device based on the output of ultrasonic waves from the head Crystal, which emits what is known as internal heat Deep heat, these waves penetrate the skin layer and the fat layer and reach the muscle layer or the fluid surrounding the synovial fluid joint.
* Applications:-
The device is used as an auxiliary therapy depending on the purpose of its use as follows:
- خشونة المفاصل & الانزلاق الغضروفي
The device performs fibrillation of the molecules inside the synovial fluid, which causes them to move and redistribute again in the same ocean.
- شد العضلات:
The device improves blood flow in the blood supply muscle and increases blood flow to it, which helps to get rid of waste wastes and better oxygen access to muscle fibers and the result is relaxation.
- إلتهاب الأوتار:
The device helps to some extent accelerate the healing process, and also reduces the spread of Inflammation inflammation